Red, White, and Blue Lemonade!

Carly Shankman
However you decide to celebrate, we hope you remember that when drinking Alchemy Juice you are always celebrating your cells.
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Why Juicing Curbs Cravings

Carly Shankman
Juicing to curb cravings is not a technique to deprive you and forever eliminate sensations of hunger. It's a good first step to tuning in and the best way to nourish your cells so that the empty cravings are replaced by satisfaction and vibrance!
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5 Reasons to Juice Cleanse this Summer

Carly Shankman
Many of you have asked for guidance on a cleanse to reset and revive energy! With long summer days ahead, now is the perfect time to revitalize and restore your connection with your body + vibrant spirit.
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How Juice Subscription Works

Carly Shankman
Instead of needing to log on every week and place your order, you can now subscribe and streamline your juice orders. Your path to vibrancy, health, and wellness just got a whole lot simpler.
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The Magic of Sweet Greens

Carly Shankman
Our beloved Sweet Greens packs all the alkalizing gifts of Pure Greens with a sweet and tangy hint of green apple. There is rhyme in our reason. Here's the specific benefits of each fruit and vegetable hand chosen and juiced with love, for you.
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Immune Support Made Delicious

Carly Shankman
Shortly after my diagnosis we learned about Chris Wark and his work. When he was 26 years old and diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer, he opted out of chemo and radiation in favor of dietary and lifestyle changes. He started with a 100% raw diet and juiced 64 ounces of juice (this recipe!) for 2 years.
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